Web3 web3_clientVersion ClientVersion returns the node name
Params (0) None
Result string
Client Method Invocation Examples Source code
func ( s * web3API ) ClientVersion () string {
return s . stack . Server (). Name
} // ClientVersion returns the node name
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web3_sha3 Sha3 applies the ethereum sha3 implementation on the input. It assumes the input is hex encoded.
Params (1) Parameters must be given by position .
1: input hexutil.Bytes
Result hexutil.Bytes
Client Method Invocation Examples Source code
func ( s * web3API ) Sha3 ( input hexutil . Bytes ) hexutil . Bytes {
return crypto . Keccak256 ( input )
} // Sha3 applies the ethereum sha3 implementation on the input.
// It assumes the input is hex encoded.
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Last update: 2 months ago 2025-01-20