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Interface IBlock


  • IBlock


[k: string]: any



Optional difficulty

difficulty: undefined | string

Integer of the difficulty for this block

Optional extraData

extraData: undefined | string

The 'extra data' field of this block

Optional gasLimit

gasLimit: undefined | string

The maximum gas allowed in this block

Optional gasUsed

gasUsed: undefined | string

The total used gas by all transactions in this block

Optional hash

hash: string | null

The block hash or null when its the pending block

Optional logsBloom

logsBloom: undefined | string

The bloom filter for the logs of the block or null when its the pending block

Optional miner

miner: string | null

The address of the beneficiary to whom the mining rewards were given or null when its the pending block

Optional nonce

nonce: string | null

Randomly selected number to satisfy the proof-of-work or null when its the pending block

Optional number

number: string | null

The block number or null when its the pending block

Optional parentHash

parentHash: undefined | string

Hash of the parent block

Optional receiptsRoot

receiptsRoot: undefined | string

The root of the receipts trie of the block

Optional sha3Uncles

sha3Uncles: undefined | string

Keccak hash of the uncles data in the block

Optional size

size: undefined | string

Integer the size of this block in bytes

Optional stateRoot

stateRoot: undefined | string

The root of the final state trie of the block

Optional timestamp

timestamp: undefined | string

The unix timestamp for when the block was collated

Optional totalDifficulty

totalDifficulty: string | null

Integer of the total difficulty of the chain until this block

Optional transactions

transactions: (string | object)[]

Array of transaction objects, or 32 Bytes transaction hashes depending on the last given parameter

Optional transactionsRoot

transactionsRoot: undefined | string

The root of the transactions trie of the block.

Optional uncles

uncles: string[]

Array of uncle hashes

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